Wednesday, May 2, 2012


OMG! after 3 n a half years im officially graduated from UiTM..  WOW~ woke up in the morning trus p cek tu result.. lu lu lu lu semua lulus... n that time Ibu magically appeared in my room and me with teary eyes ckp sama Ibu aku lulus suda hohohoho...  again, WOW.. who knew i would passed the exam.. sudala pemalas p kelas..

btw, my life in its utmost place where everything seems to be in the right place.. no confusions there... those struggling attempt to forgot that someone2 finally happened.. thanx to my bestie, R, she was a big help... she said i was really stupid for unable to get over with that someone2... so she end up became my LOVE teacher hahaha.. that was the time i met up with Mr.R.. he is tall guy with a messy hair (reminds me of rangga, Ada Apa Dengan Cinta's actor)... who can resist that level of sexiness? hahaha and later on, I am his.. well this all sounds so lovey-dovey.. i shall make this blog more interesting... i'll try to write as much as i can..


Bby ;)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dear Blog :)

ya tuan2 dan puan2...

finally i got the courage to change my status in fb...:(
mybe for u its not a big deal but it is!!
i took almost 2 years to change it from *its complicated* to *single*...
ya i know i know... sorry for being emotional... T-T i just cant help it..

itu sejala...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

sudah lama kan?

duh i forgot the last time i updated this blog bha... punya lama suda... >.<

well nothing is really appealing to me to write something2 here..
my life as we see is lame and boring... yeah its been like that since few years back..
i know this is kinda pathetic but what to do... mimang suda begitu...

so im hoping the future will be somehow better... *finger crossed*
n hoping this short post will tempting me to write again later??.. maybe...

thats all for now guys...


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November Rain

i want to post something.. which is emmm i dunno.. i should make this short and simple.. so today's agenda is buy foods and some groceries.. weird hah?? yeah i have to buy some groceries since i made this stupid promise to my putah girl, dd and sue that I WILL COOK SOMETHING FOR THEM... they craving for housemade lauk yg akan d masak oleh saya... ya ya... n alsos sue's favourite sambal belacan... saya akan masak dengan penuh perasaan kasih syg dan cinta ok my girls!
PLEASE PUT SOME TRUST ON ME.. i can cook bah!


P/S: still on dieting mode.. this whole cooking thing buli kacau my diet.. whatever~

Monday, October 25, 2010

Taken from Colyn's blog... eheheheh~

1.When was the last time you cried?
erk i cant recall....
2.Have you ever faked sick?
always :)
3.What was the last lie you said?
i never lie... <<<< i just lied a few seconds ago xD
4.Have you ever cried during a movie?
5.Who was the last person you couldn’t take your eyes off of?
6.Have you ever danced in the rain?
Nope.. but it must feel great rite? I'll try someday...
7.Have you ever been drunk?
Im not purely Dusun but I am still Dusun.. HaHa!
8.Have you ever tried tried drugs?
Once n it doesnt feel nice... stupid me~.
9.Do you smoke?
Nope... XP
10.What’s the farthest you’ve ever gone on a dare?
Ndatau,,, lupa suda ooo~
11.What is your full name?
Nabila Eviana Binti Madi
12.What is your blood-type?
i donated blood TWICE but i still cant remember my blood type.. punya buduh!
13.Have you ever been in a car accident?
THANK GOD.. NO! Nauzubillahminzalik...
14.How old were you when you recieved your first kiss?
15.Who was your first kiss?
Uhuk for the second time.. haha
16.Have you ever had an online relationship?
Haha ya.. sekali....
17.Have you ever had phone-sex?
18.Have you ever been rejected by a crush?
19.What is your favourite sport to play?
20.Have you ever made a prank phone call?
Yaaa tp nda pernah jadii... kitai!
21.Have you ever said
Please kiss me?? duh aku assume ko mau tnya itu la ah... haha
22.What’s your favourite childhood memory?
banyak....aku lupa suda..
23.Is there anything that you have done that you regret?
24.What do you want to be when you grow up?
Bussinesswoman Berjaya! yeahhHH!!
25.What is your political persuassion?
ermmmmmmmmmm... pkir dlu...
26.Have you ever had cybersex?
Buduh la kalau pernah..
27.Do you believe in g-d?
g-d?? apa tu ooo??? GOD??? musti la bah!!
28.Do you believe in love at first sight?
YES! saya sedang sekarang uhuhuh
29.Do you believe in karma?
yup! jagala kau!
30.Who was your first crush?
ehehe its SECRET!
31.Who do you have a crush on?
Sekarang teda~
32.How would you describe yourself?
Perempuan tinggi besar tp nda lama lagi kurus tu.. ko tunggu!
33.What are you afraid of?
Namau cakap!
34.Are you religious?
Not really... not something that i should be proud of..
35.What does your screen name mean?
UhUi manala aku tau
36.What person do you trust the most?
Malas mau type nama durang.... haha
37.Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
Mohd Khairul J.
38.What is the best compliment you have ever received?
Tall? Beautiful? Cute?
39.What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?
Ntah... sbb lepas durang ckp trus aku hantam durang balik haha
40.What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?
3 years :(
41.What is your greatest strength?
My Ibu n Ayah... Love U
42.What is your greatest weakness?
43.What is your perfect pizza?
Cheese and a must pineapple on top...
44.What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?
Mau mandi tp malas....
45.What is your first thought before you go to bed?
46.What college do you want to go to?
Hurmmm.. wait i think first........
47.Do you get along with your family?
48.Do you play any instruments?
49.What kind of music do you like?
50.Do you think you’re attractive?
erm... nda kali
51.Would you ever get a tattoo?
My religion forbid me from having a tattoo...
52.How many piercings do you have?
perhaps 3...
53.Who makes you laugh?
Sue, Dd n Saza....
54.Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours?
55.Have you ever seen a dead body?
My Grandmama... does it count??
56.Do you have a celebrity crush?
57.What is one thing scientists should invent?
Malas mau pikir!
58.Have you ever broken a bone?
YES! my left hand....
59.What happens after you die?
Erm.......... i'll be in heaven or hell....
60.Do you watch or read the news?
I read and watch E! entertainment!



Perjanjian Penghasilan Kurus Untuk Bulan 12....

current weight: 65 kg (ya barat bah macam itu babi tua)
aim: at least 60 kg.. i only need to get rid 5 kilos before december.. easy kan? 60 seems quite gumuk juga kan for certain people but i tall babe.. so believe me u'll see the new me, tall and slimmer.... *finger crossed...

McD Double Cheese Burger
La La La

i WILL strive upon these hurdles!!!


P/S: mau cari kwn joging.....

Saturday, October 23, 2010

tiada cerita

tda.. aku namau cerita pasal exam ne.. namau merungut.. namau namau namau~ kenapa juga aku minta puji ne?? hahahahaa

oleh sbb aku tiada cerita., makanya aku akan melalut di spnjang post ne...

anda baru saja membaca lalutan yg terpaling.. dan juga membuang masa anda selama seminit membaca post saya ini....



P/S: kebas kaki duduk d kerusi lama2